Jet Lube 13602 Nikal High Temperature Anti-Seize and Gasket Compound
Jet Lube 13602 Nikal High Temperature Anti-Seize and Gasket Compound, 0.5 lb Brush In Cap Bottle, Semi-Fluid Gel Form, Gray/Silver, 1.2
Jet Lube® Nikal® is a premium quality anti-seize and gasket compound for use in extreme temperatures and hostile environments. The carrier of this remarkable compound volatizes upon exposure to high temperatures and deposits a nickel metallic plating on threaded connections, preventing metal-to-metal contact and guarding against seizure and galling. Nikal® consists of pure nickel flake and a nearly inert dispersing solid in a high quality aluminum complex base grease that provides unsurpassed protection from rust by water penetration or water washoff. Nikal® does not contain copper, lead, graphite, molybdenum MOSL, chlorides or other halogens, phosphorus, or silicones.
Retains the equipment in serviceable condition
This blend enhances anti-seize performance, containing flake particles of pure nickel and other additives blended in a high temperature complex grease carrier
Can be used when copper products are prohibited
Has controlled frictional characteristics so that the surfaces of the nut and bolt are torque to the designed K-factor
Assures full hydraulic efficiency by allowing the metal surfaces to slide over each other without metal-to-metal contact